1,424 research outputs found

    The pulsation spectrum of VX Hydrae

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    We present the results of a two-year, multisite observing campaign investigating the high-amplitude delta Scuti star VX Hydrae during the 2006 and 2007 observing seasons. The final data set consists of nearly 8500 V-band observations spanning HJD 2453763.6 to 2454212.7 (2006 January 28 to 2007 April 22). Separate analyses of the two individual seasons of data yield 25 confidently-detected frequencies common to both data sets, of which two are pulsation modes, and the remaining 23 are Fourier harmonics or beat frequencies of these two modes. The 2006 data set had five additional frequencies with amplitudes less than 1.5 mmag, and the 2007 data had one additional frequency. Analysis of the full 2006-2007 data set yields 22 of the 25 frequencies found in the individual seasons of data. There are no significant peaks in the spectrum other than these between 0 and 60 c/d. The frequencies of the two main pulsation modes derived from the 2006 and 2007 observing seasons individually do not differ at the level of 3-sigma, and thus we find no conclusive evidence for period change over the span of these observations. However, the amplitude of f(1) = 5.7898 c/d changed significantly between the two seasons, while the amplitude of f(0) = 4.4765 c/d remained constant; amplitudes of the Fourier harmonics and beat frequencies of f(1) also changed. Similar behavior was seen in the 1950s, and it is clear that VX Hydrae undergoes significant amplitude changes over time.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v.121, p.1076 (October 2009

    Liquid phase epitaxy and optical investigation of KYb(WO4)2 thin layers

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    In recent years, Yb3+ has attracted much attention as an activating ion because of its small quantum defect for laser emission from 2F5/2 to 2F7/2 at ~1.03 ”m [1], which provides high efficiency and reduced heat generation. Of high practical interest is the thin-disk laser concept [2], which possesses a tremendous advantage over rod lasers because of its axial-cooling approach and consequent weak thermal lensing and good beam quality.\ud A promising material for Yb3+ thin-disk lasers is KYb(WO4)2 (KYbW) [3]. It can be grown from high-temperature solutions [4]. Nevertheless, the growth of high-quality, single-crystalline layers with thickness in the range of the absorption length of ~13 ”m at 981 nm has as yet not been reported. A suitable substrate material is KY(WO4)2 (KYW), but the relatively large differences in the thermal expansion coefficients between KYW and KYbW along the [100], [001], and especially [010] directions [5] favor low temperatures for the hetero-epitaxial growth.\ud For the first time, we demonstrate liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) of KYbW layers. The layers were grown at start temperatures as low as 520°C, which is favorable in order to decrease the thermal stresses due to the differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of substrate and layer. Moreover, the choice of [010]-oriented substrates bypasses the large difference in the thermal expansion coefficient along the [010] direction. KY1-xYbx(WO4)2 layers with varying x = 0.03-1.00 were grown by LPE. The chloride solvent consisted of the eutectic composition [6] 24.4 mol.% KCl, 30.4 mol.% NaCl, and 42.2 mol.% CsCl. The growth temperature spanned the range from 580 to 500°C and the cooling rate was 0.67-1.00 Kh-1. Crack-free, transparent KYbW layers were grown on (010) substrates.\ud Spectroscopic investigations have shown that the lifetime of ~250 ”s measured in our LPE-grown KYbW layers is dominated by radiative decay and is very similar to that measured in top-seeded-solution-grown bulk samples [4]. Fast energy migration among the Yb3+ ions and energy transfer to small amounts of Tm3+ and Er3+ ions present in the YbCl3 reagent lead to visible upconversion luminescence in the layers under 981-nm excitation.\ud \ud [1] T.Y. Fan, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 29, 1457 (1993).\ud [2] A. Giesen, H. HĂŒgel, A. Voss, K. Wittig, U. Brauch, H. Opower, Appl. Phys. B 58, 365 (1994).\ud [3] P. Klopp, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, X. Mateos, M.A. Bursukova, M.C. Pujol, R. SolĂ©, J. GavaldĂ , M. AguilĂł, F. GĂŒell, J. Massons, T. Kirilov, F. DĂ­az, Appl. Phys. B 74, 185 (2002).\ud [4] M.C. Pujol, M.A. Bursukova, F. GĂŒell, X. Mateos, R. SolĂ©, J. GavaldĂ , M. AguilĂł, J. Massons, F. DĂ­az, P. Klopp, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, Phys. Rev. B 65, 165121 (2002).\ud [5] M.C. Pujol, X. Mateos, R. SolĂ©, J. Massons, J. GavaldĂ , F. DĂ­az, M. AguilĂł, Mater. Sci. Forum 378-381, 710 (2001).\ud [6] D. Ehrentraut, M. Pollnau, S. KĂŒck, Appl. Phys. B 75, 59 (2002)

    Liquid phase epitaxy and spectroscopic investigation of optically active KYb(WO4)2 thin layers

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    In recent years, Yb3+ has attracted much attention as an activating ion because of its small quantum defect for laser emission from 2F5/2 to 2F7/2 at ~1.03 ”m, which provides high efficiency and reduced heat generation. A promising material for Yb3+ lasers is KYb(WO4)2 (KYbW) [1]. It can be grown from high-temperature solutions [2]. A suitable substrate material for the growth of single-crystalline layers with thicknesses in the range of the absorption length of ~13 ”m at 981 nm is KY(WO4)2 (KYW).\ud We demonstrate the liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) of KYbW layers at start temperatures as low as 520°C from the chloride solvent KCl-NaCl-CsCl. This temperature is favorable in order to decrease the thermal stresses due to the differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of substrate and layer. Moreover, the choice of [010]-oriented KYW substrates bypasses the large difference in the thermal expansion coefficient along the [010] direction. Our spectroscopic investigations show that the fluorescence lifetime of ~250 ”s measured in our LPE-grown KYbW layers is dominated by radiative decay and is very similar to that measured in top-seeded-solution-grown bulk samples [2]. Fast energy migration among the Yb3+ ions and energy transfer to small amounts of Tm3+ and Er3+ ions present in the YbCl3 reagent lead to visible upconversion luminescence in the layers under 981-nm excitation.\ud \ud [1] P. Klopp, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, X. Mateos, M.A. Bursukova, M.C. Pujol, R. SolĂ©, J. GavaldĂ , M. AguilĂł, F. GĂŒell, J. Massons, T. Kirilov, F. DĂ­az, Appl. Phys. B 2002, 74, 185\ud [2] M.C. Pujol, M.A. Bursukova, F. GĂŒell, X. Mateos, R. SolĂ©, J. GavaldĂ , M. AguilĂł, J. Massons, F. DĂ­az, P. Klopp, U. Griebner, V. Petrov, Phys. Rev. B 2002, 65, 16512

    The GNAT library for local and remote gene mention normalization

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    Summary: Identifying mentions of named entities, such as genes or diseases, and normalizing them to database identifiers have become an important step in many text and data mining pipelines. Despite this need, very few entity normalization systems are publicly available as source code or web services for biomedical text mining. Here we present the Gnat Java library for text retrieval, named entity recognition, and normalization of gene and protein mentions in biomedical text. The library can be used as a component to be integrated with other text-mining systems, as a framework to add user-specific extensions, and as an efficient stand-alone application for the identification of gene and protein names for data analysis. On the BioCreative III test data, the current version of Gnat achieves a Tap-20 score of 0.1987

    LINNAEUS: A species name identification system for biomedical literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The task of recognizing and identifying species names in biomedical literature has recently been regarded as critical for a number of applications in text and data mining, including gene name recognition, species-specific document retrieval, and semantic enrichment of biomedical articles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we describe an open-source species name recognition and normalization software system, LINNAEUS, and evaluate its performance relative to several automatically generated biomedical corpora, as well as a novel corpus of full-text documents manually annotated for species mentions. LINNAEUS uses a dictionary-based approach (implemented as an efficient deterministic finite-state automaton) to identify species names and a set of heuristics to resolve ambiguous mentions. When compared against our manually annotated corpus, LINNAEUS performs with 94% recall and 97% precision at the mention level, and 98% recall and 90% precision at the document level. Our system successfully solves the problem of disambiguating uncertain species mentions, with 97% of all mentions in PubMed Central full-text documents resolved to unambiguous NCBI taxonomy identifiers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>LINNAEUS is an open source, stand-alone software system capable of recognizing and normalizing species name mentions with speed and accuracy, and can therefore be integrated into a range of bioinformatics and text-mining applications. The software and manually annotated corpus can be downloaded freely at <url>http://linnaeus.sourceforge.net/</url>.</p

    Liquid metal micro heat pipes for space radiator applications

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    Micromachining is a chemical means of etching three-dimensional structures, typically in single-crystalline silicon. These techniques are leading toward what is coming to be referred to as MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems), where in addition to the ordinary two dimensional (planar) microelectronics, it is possible to build three-dimensional micromotors, electrically-actuated microvalves, hydraulic systems, and much more on the same microchip. These techniques become possible because of differential etching rates of various crystallographic planes and materials used for semiconductor microfabrication. The University of Cincinnati group in collaboration with NASA Lewis formed micro heat pipes in silicon by the above techniques. Work is ongoing at a modest level, but several essential bonding and packaging techniques have been recently developed. Currently, we have constructed and filled water/silicon micro heat pipes. Preliminary thermal tests of arrays of 125 micro heat pipes etched in a 1 inch x 1 inch x 250 micron silicon wafer have been completed. These pipes are instrumented with extremely small P-N junctions to measure their effective conductivity and their maximum operating power. A relatively simple one-dimensional model has been developed in order to predict micro heat pipes' operating characteristics. This information can be used to optimize micro heat pipe design with respect to length, hydraulic diameter, and number of pipes. Work is progressing on the fabrication of liquid-metal micro heat pipes. In order to be compatible with liquid metal (sodium or potassium), the inside of the micro heat pipes will be coated with a refractory metal (such as tungsten, molybdenum, or titanium)

    Randomized trial of polychromatic blue-enriched light for circadian phase shifting, melatonin suppression, and alerting responses.

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    Wavelength comparisons have indicated that circadian phase-shifting and enhancement of subjective and EEG-correlates of alertness have a higher sensitivity to short wavelength visible light. The aim of the current study was to test whether polychromatic light enriched in the blue portion of the spectrum (17,000 K) has increased efficacy for melatonin suppression, circadian phase-shifting, and alertness as compared to an equal photon density exposure to a standard white polychromatic light (4000 K). Twenty healthy participants were studied in a time-free environment for 7 days. The protocol included two baseline days followed by a 26-h constant routine (CR1) to assess initial circadian phase. Following CR1, participants were exposed to a full-field fluorescent light (1 × 10 14 photons/cm 2 /s, 4000 K or 17,000 K, n = 10/condition) for 6.5 h during the biological night. Following an 8 h recovery sleep, a second 30-h CR was performed. Melatonin suppression was assessed from the difference during the light exposure and the corresponding clock time 24 h earlier during CR1. Phase-shifts were calculated from the clock time difference in dim light melatonin onset time (DLMO) between CR1 and CR2. Blue-enriched light caused significantly greater suppression of melatonin than standard light ((mean ± SD) 70.9 ± 19.6% and 42.8 ± 29.1%, respectively, p \u3c 0.05). There was no significant difference in the magnitude of phase delay shifts. Blue-enriched light significantly improved subjective alertness (p \u3c 0.05) but no differences were found for objective alertness. These data contribute to the optimization of the short wavelength-enriched spectra and intensities needed for circadian, neuroendocrine and neurobehavioral regulation

    Making the Case for a Rome V Regulation on the Law Applicable to Companies

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    There is significant legal variation and uncertainty in the conflict of laws rules applicable to companies in the EU. While the case law of the Court of Justice on the freedom of establishment has clarified some questions, it is evident that case law cannot provide for an adequate level of legal certainty. The main recommendation of this article is that private international company law in the EU should be harmonized. The article discusses the main challenges that a future regulation to this effect—called here ‘Rome V Regulation on the Law Applicable to Companies’—would have to overcome. Some of those are of a political nature: for instance, countries may fear that it may become easier for companies to evade domestic company law (eg, rules of employee co-determination), and there are specific considerations that concern companies established in third countries. Another challenge is that a future regulation on the law applicable to companies has to be consistent with existing EU conflict of laws rules as regards, for example, insolvency and tort law, while also complying with the freedom of establishment of the Treaty. It is the aim of this article to discuss these questions in detail, notably the general considerations for harmonisation in this field, a potential harmonization based on the ‘incorporation theory’, how it may be possible to overcome some contentious issues such as the definition of the lex societatis or the relationship between the lex societatis and other areas of law, and the prospects for future international harmonization

    A Novel Silicon Micromachined Integrated MCM Thermal Management System

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    "Micromachining" is a chemical means of etching three-dimensional structures, typically in single- crystalline silicon. These techniques are leading toward what is coming to be referred to as MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems), where in addition to the ordinary two-dimensional (planar) microelectronics, it is possible to build three-dimensional n-ticromotors, electrically- actuated raicrovalves, hydraulic systems and much more on the same microchip. These techniques become possible because of differential etching rates of various crystallographic planes and materials used for semiconductor n-ticrofabfication. The University of Cincinnati group in collaboration with Karl Baker at NASA Lewis were the first to form micro heat pipes in silicon by the above techniques. Current work now in progress using MEMS technology is now directed towards the development of the next generation in MCM (Multi Chip Module) packaging. Here we propose to develop a complete electronic thermal management system which will allow densifica6on in chip stacking by perhaps two orders of magnitude. Furthermore the proposed technique will allow ordinary conu-nercial integrated chips to be utilized. Basically, the new technique involves etching square holes into a silicon substrate and then inserting and bonding commercially available integrated chips into these holes. For example, over a 100 1/4 in. by 1 /4 in. integrated chips can be placed on a 4 in. by 4 in. silicon substrate to form a Multi-Chip Module (MCM). Placing these MCM's in-line within an integrated rack then allows for three-diniensional stacking. Increased miniaturization of microelectronic circuits will lead to very high local heat fluxes. A high performance thermal management system will be specifically designed to remove the generated energy. More specifically, a compact heat exchanger with milli / microchannels will be developed and tested to remove the heat through the back side of this MCM assembly for moderate and high heat flux applications, respectively. The high heat load application of particular interest in mind is the motor controller developed by Martin Marietta for Nasa to control the thruster's directional actuators on space vechicles. Work is also proposed to develop highly advanced and improved porous wick structures for use in advanced heat loops. The porous wick will be micromachined from silicon using MEMS technology, thus permitting far superior control of pore size and pore distribution (over wicks made from sintered n-ietals), which in turn is expected to led to significantly improved heat loop performance

    Cross-border reincorporations in the European Union: the case for comprehensive harmonisation

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    Despite recent decisions of the Court of Justice that liberalise inbound and outbound reincorporations, several Member States still prohibit these transactions or make them impossible or impractical. Even where reincorporations are available in principle, significant legal uncertainties often exist due to a lack of clear and interoperable rules. This situation may, for instance, jeopardise the interests of creditors and minority shareholders of the emigrating companies in circumstances where the involved jurisdictions do not provide for an explicit regulation of cross-border reincorporations aimed at protecting these stakeholders. Furthermore, when procedural rules are unclear or lacking, companies might be struck from the relevant register of the country of origin without being entered in the register of any other Member States. We argue that, as a consequence, harmonisation of the reincorporation process is necessary, and that it is desirable to reach a high minimum standard of creditor and minority shareholder protection
